Monday, January 31, 2011


 Egypt & Israel: 
 God’s People Must Pray!

For days now the television and radio have been flooded with news of Egypt.  The streets in Cairo have been filled with protesters calling for the ouster of their President, Hosni Mubarak.  Should we be concerned?  I think the clear answer to this is, yes.

Regardless of what ultimately happens in Egypt, Israel will be affected.  And that should be a major concern of every believer in Jesus.  This tiny nation—the size of New Jersey, the only true democracy in the Middle East, and a staunch supporter of the West—will however be in greater danger if Egypt is turned to radical Islam.  And that is a clear possibility.  Already the Muslim Brotherhood, Hizb al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun, is moving to take a position in any new government that would replace Mubarak, to establish a political form of Islam which supports the use of Islamic law known as Sharia—radical and oppressive Islamic religious law, such as took hold in Iran and Afghanistan.

Israel herself is saying that now in question is the consistency of stability that has existed between these two countries for thirty years.  Radical Islam has made its goal not only to destroy the “great satan,” which is the United States, but to push into the sea the “little satan” as well.  That, my friends, is Israel. Here is what you can do.

First, understand God’s view of Israel.  God has said that Israel’s capital, the city of Jerusalem, is “the apple of His eye.” (Zechariah 2:8) He has also said, “I will bless those who bless you, And the ones who curse you I will curse.” (Genesis 12:3) God has tied biblical history to Israel—from beginning to end, and He loves this nation dearly—with “an everlasting love.” (Jeremiah 31:3)  

Second, pray for Israel. We are told to pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122), and we should.  Shame on us if we do not believe that prayer works and that God answers.  Certainly there will be turmoil ahead, both for Egypt and Israel, but God has a plan for both and your intercessory prayer will play a role.

In the natural, the potential negatives of  this moment in history are weighty. Open for discussion are Egypt’s present support of the Western agenda, her protection of free and unimpeded transit of the Suez Canal (A stranglehold on the Canal would cause the price of oil, food, and goods to skyrocket.), her stand against the radical Islamic agenda, and her thirty-year long cooperative relationship with Israel.   

Yet, as critical as the above concerns are, support of Israel should be every Christian’s key concern at this moment.  A change in the Egyptian government may put Israel in a very perilous position.  Yes, support of the Western agenda, protection of the Canal, a stand against terrorism—all are important, but Egypt’s relations with Israel must for believers top the list.

So, pray for Israel—the Land, its People, their future. Pray also for the people of Egypt as the Lord may lead you. God does have a plan for both countries.  That plan is in the process of playing itself out in His schedule of end time events.  Let’s be a part of it...and …Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. May they prosper who love you. —Psalm 122:6

For Zion’s Sake
Michael and Sarah Lynn

1 comment:

  1. Michael,
    I'm so gratified that you chose to send out a call to prayer and concern for Israel at this moment.
    This is indeed a critical time for Israel--as well as the U.S.
    The Muslim Brotherhood declared war on America last fall, basically outlining recent events in the Middle East--signaling a call to action from widespread base-building to final revolutionary action.
    The Muslim Brotherhood is anything but moderate, despite what we may hear or read from our media sources. They are behind the most violent Arab regimes in the Middle East, from Hamas to al Qaida.
    Ex-Muslim terrorists such as Walid Shoebat have revealed that they are behind the revolts that seem to come from secular Arabs seeking western type freedom. The Brotherhood then take advantage of the chaos and bring in their radical regime. Iran is a perfect case study.
    Surprisingly, a recent study revealed a large majority of Egyptians desire Sharia law and would welcome living within a Caliphate. This does not sound like a society seeking western freedoms!
    Egypt is a big domino about to fall, which could have dire consequences for Israel AND the west. Already Jordan, the other moderate nation bordering Israel is beginning to experience similar rumblings...
    Lebanon, on Israel's northern border already fell to Hizbullah through a recent revolution, while Hamas, an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, took over Gaza (by election!) and is committed to Israel's destruction, shelling her daily. Egypt has been a buffer between Iran's weapons supplies to Hamas. However, if Egypt falls to radical Islam, these supplies will flow to Gaza unimpeded.
    This is a critical and pivotal moment. Prayer is certainly needed. And staying informed--and informing others of the TRUTH.
    By the way, some may ask, what does this have to do with "Beyond Love?" God's love for Israel is a wonderful example of agape love...He has loved her with an "everlasting love," as you state in the article above. Though Israel has often been unfaithful to God, His promises to her, because of His Love, are without repentance, bless His holy Name!
    For Zion's sake, I will not remain silent...
